Joan Baez Joan Baez - The Salt of the Earth

Let´s Drink to the Hard Working People,
Let´s Drink to the Lowly of Birth.
Raise Your Glass to the Good and the Evil,
Let´s Drink to the Salt of the Earth.
Say a Pray´r For the Common Foot Soldier,
Spare a Thought For His Back Breaking Work.
Say a Pray´r For His Wife and His Children
Who Burn the Fires and Who Still Till the Earth.

And When I Search a Faceless Crowd,
A Swirling Mass of Grey and Black and White,
They Don´t Look Real to Me, in Fakt,
They Look So Strange.

Raise Your Glass to the Hard Working People,
Let´s Drink to the Uncounted Heads.
Let´s Think of the Wavering Millions
Who Need Leaders But Get Gamblers Instead.
Spare a Thougth For the Stay-at-home Voter,
His Emty Eyes Gaze At Strange Beauty Shows,
And At Parades of Gray Suited Grafters;
A Choice of Cancer Or Polio!

Let´s Drink to the Hard Working People,
Let´s Think of the Lowly of Birth.
Spare a Thought For the Ragtaggy People,
Let´s Drink to the Salt of the Earth.
Let´s Drink to the Hardworking People,
Let´s Drink to the Salt of the Earth.
Let´s Think of the Two Thousand Million,
Let´s Think of the Humble of Birth.